Stephen Houston has worked in education as an educational sign language interpreter for over 15 years both in public and private schools. He finds purpose and fulfillment working as an educator for the hearing impaired: “It is a wonderful opportunity to help mold young minds and bridge the gap of communication through teaching.” This is especially important due to other speech/language impaired students using sign language as their form of communication and expression in their learning environments. As an English language learner, people are surprised that English is Stephen’s second language: “that is why I know sign language”. Growing up with deaf parents, having an IEP helped guide him in school as a once a student himself. He believes in knowing the importance of the process when it comes to self-communication and expression to others, and in overcoming many obstacles in order to voice out ideas and opinions. Stephen is now serving students and their parents and families through teaching, helping them reach their goals through education. For Stephen, anything can be possible, and he intends to show our future leaders just that. ‘’A good teacher is like a candle—it consumes itself to light the way for others.’’ –Mustafa Kemal Atatürk