Top Accredited Online High Schools in Arizona

Deciding to finish high school is great but choosing the right online high school to help with your high school graduation is a big decision, especially when accreditation is an important factor.
Accreditation ensures that a school meets the quality standards set by accrediting agencies or educational bodies, such as the Department of Education, and it guarantees that your diploma will be recognized by colleges, employers, and other institutions.

5 Tips For Choosing Nationally And Regionally Accredited Online High Schools

When seeking online high school education, understanding the difference between national and regional accreditation, as well as what to look for in an institution, is essential. Here are five tips to help you make the best choice:

1. Understand the Difference Between National and Regional Accreditation

  1. National Accreditation: This typically applies to schools offering more vocational or career-oriented programs. Nationally accredited schools may not have the same rigorous standards as regionally accredited ones and credits earned may not transfer easily to other institutions.
  2. Regional Accreditation: This is generally considered more prestigious and is widely recognized by colleges, universities, and employers. Regionally accredited schools meet higher academic standards, making their diplomas more likely to be accepted for college admissions and job opportunities.

2. Verify the School’s Accreditation Status

Not all schools that claim to be accredited are recognized by the proper authorities. To verify a school’s accreditation:
  1. Check the school’s website for accreditation information.
  2. Ensure the school is listed by one of the recognized regional accrediting bodies or the Department of Education.
  3. You can also visit the U.S. Department of Education’s database of accredited postsecondary institutions and programs to confirm accreditation status.
Verifying this information is critical to avoid enrolling in a diploma mill, a school that offers diplomas without the necessary academic rigor or recognition.

3. Consider Flexibility and Course Offerings

Accreditation is important, but so is finding a school that aligns with your educational needs and lifestyle.  Look for an online high school that offers:
  • Flexible scheduling options: Many students choose online education for its flexibility. Make sure the school allows you to work at your own pace or has a schedule that fits your commitments.
  • Diverse course offerings: Ensure the school provides a variety of courses, including advanced placement (AP), electives, and career-focused options that align with your interests and future goals.
  • Credit recovery options: If you need to make up credits, check whether the school offers credit recovery programs that allow you to complete courses you may have failed.

4. Evaluate Student Support Services

A quality accredited online high school should offer more than just coursework—it should also provide comprehensive support to help you succeed. Consider schools that offer:
  • Academic counseling: Guidance counselors can help you navigate course selection, college applications, and career planning.
  • Tutoring services: If you struggle with certain subjects, access to tutoring or other academic assistance can be a valuable resource.
  • Technical support: Since online schools rely on technology, make sure the school provides robust tech support to address any issues you may encounter with online learning platforms.

5. Research the School’s Track Record and Reputation

Before enrolling, take some time to research the school’s reputation and track record. Look for:
  • Graduation rates: High graduation rates may indicate that the school effectively supports its students.
  • Success stories: Positive testimonials and reviews from current or former students can give you insight into the school’s quality and whether it’s a good fit for your needs.
  • College and career readiness: If your goal is to pursue higher education or enter the workforce, see if the school offers college prep courses or career-related programs.
  A school’s reputation can speak volumes about the quality of education it offers, so don’t skip this step.

Online Accredited High Schools For Adults

For many adults, earning a high school diploma is a goal that remains just out of reach. Whether due to life circumstances, family responsibilities, or career demands, traditional high school wasn’t a fit for everyone. Fortunately, the rise of online accredited high schools for adults has opened new doors for those looking to complete their education on their terms.


For adults, going back to school and earning a diploma can open up a world of opportunities. Whether you’re looking to improve your career prospects, qualify for college or vocational training, or simply achieve a long-held personal goal, an online accredited high school diploma can make it happen. Studies show that individuals with a high school diploma earn more over their lifetime and have better access to career advancement opportunities.

Why Legacy Learning Community is Still a Great Option

A Candidate for Accreditation

Legacy Learning Community is currently a candidate for accreditation, meaning we are actively working toward receiving approval from accreditation bodies. This process ensures that when we do receive accreditation, your education will be recognized by schools, colleges, and employers alike. Enroll now

Flexible Learning for Non-Traditional Students

One of the reasons many high school students choose online schools is the flexibility. Legacy Learning Community is built with this in mind. Whether you’re a student who needs to work full-time, a parent, or someone who struggled in a traditional school setting, our flexible scheduling allows you to learn at your own pace.

Customized Learning Experience

Our program is designed to help students who may not have succeeded in traditional school environments. We offer tailored courses that allow students to focus on subjects at their own pace, ensuring that they fully grasp the material before moving on.

The Road Ahead: Accreditation and Beyond

While we are not yet among the top accredited online high schools, our candidate status means we are well on our way. With the standards we meet and the dedicated education we provide, you can be assured that when Legacy Learning Community does receive accreditation, your educational journey will hold weight and recognition.

Why Now is the Perfect Time to Enroll

While accreditation is a goal we are working towards, it shouldn’t stop you from starting your educational journey today. By enrolling now, you’ll have access to all the same resources and support that accredited schools offer, with the bonus of flexibility and personalized learning. Many students have successfully graduated from schools that later received accreditation, and you could be one of them.

Take the Next Step Towards Your Future

At Legacy Learning Community, we believe in giving every student a chance to succeed. Whether you’re a young student or an adult looking to finish what you started, our online high school program offers the education and support you need to reach your goals. Start your journey to earning a high school diploma today!

Take The First Step

A world of learners where children gain a passport to the world


"Legacy Learning Community has been a life-changing experience for me. The flexible online platform allowed me to learn at my own pace, balancing my studies with other responsibilities. The teachers are incredibly supportive and always available to help. Despite being an online school, I felt a strong sense of community and made friends from all over the country. Graduating from Legacy Learning Community has prepared me well for college and my future career. I highly recommend this school for its flexibility, support, and high-quality education."

Testimonials from Successful High School Graduates

Frequently Asked Questions about Private Online High School

What are the top-ranked online high schools in Arizona?

Legacy Learning Community is one of the top online high schools in Arizona.

Here’s a comprehensive list of not just the top 5 online high schools in Arizona but of a majority of the best online public schools in Arizona.

What are the top-ranked online high schools in Arizona?

Legacy Learning Community believes that the high-rated school is truly the school that fits your educational needs. We 

Choose Legacy Learning Community for a highly rated online high school experience that combines flexibility, support, and affordability. Our commitment to excellence ensures every student can achieve their academic goals.

What Are The Benefits Of Online Learning?

Private online high schools like Legacy Learning Community provide an online education with many benefits, including:

Online education, with its flexibility, accessibility, and diverse offerings, can be a powerful tool for achieving academic and professional goals while accommodating individual circumstances, learning style and learning preferences of many high school students. Register your child in one of the best online high schools accredited by the government today!